Beach Schools, Colleges and Universities
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The University of California, Santa Barbara
An Ultimate Beach School!
Definition of Beach Schools:
SCUBA? Snorkel, Surf, Waterboard, Kayak before breakfast?
Yes, you can.
There are Beach Schools, just as there are Engineering Schools,(Colleges) Medical Schools, Law Schools, and Fine Arts Schools. Many of these colleges have surfing programs for academic credit, and many have famous surfing alumnus.
Colleges in this category are distinguishable by the following characteristics:
- On a beach or less than one mile from the sand and surf
- Students, especially freshmen, are at risk of academic failure if they become addicted to the those warm, sandy expanses
- Warm at least five-sixths of the year
- Students are familiar with surfing, or can speak the language of Dude
- Students who attend these institutions frequently express an interest in partying
- Generally speaking, students are never unaware of the presence of the Ocean <61 feet away
- Many of these schools offer an excellent education, and rigorous classes, with the option of a mid-night bonfire on the shore, with plenty of kegs to provide stress relief
- Many of these students are blonds
- Flip Flops are considered haute couture
- Students wear shorts, or as little as possible for all but the very coldest days of the year
- A Beach School is an Ocean School, but an Ocean School is not necessarily a Beach School
- These colleges are most often found in the following states: California, Florida, Hawaii, and Texas
- We are including the University of Rhode Island (Whaaat?)
Welcome to the Lands of Sand, Surf and Sun
You can also check out colleges located near, but not on "The Beach."
Apply Here: Admissions for all U.S. Public Colleges and Universities
The University of California, Santa Cruz
California State University, Monterey Bay
The University of California at Santa Barbara
is the only school I know of that has its very own beach. THE ultimate Beach School.
Pepperdine University, Malibu, California
California State University, Long Beach
Scripps School of Oceanography
Nazarene University at Pt. Loma, California
University of California, San Diego
Bonzai Pipeline Country
Brigham Young University - Laie, Hawaii
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Hawaii Pacific University
University of Hawaii at Hilo
University of Hawaii at Manoa
On to Texas
The University of Texas at Brownsville
Texas A and M, Corpus Christi
Texas A and M at Galveston
Grantham University
Spring Hill College - Mobile
University of Mobile
University of South Alabama - Mobile
Columbia Southern University, Orange Beach
University of West Florida, Pensacola
Clearwater Christian College
Eckerd College, St. Petersburg
New College of Florida
Ringling School of Art and Design
Florida Gulf Coast University
Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale
Barry University, North Miami Shores
Palm Beach Atlantic, West Palm Beach, Florida
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne
Bethune-Cookman College - Fla.
Flagler College, St. Augustine
Coastal Carolina University
The University of Rhode Island
Schools close to ski slopes
Party Schools
College Rowing, Crew
Apply Here: Admissions' Sites for all Public US Colleges and Universities
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US Colleges Near the Beach, Same Sun, Sand, Surf Requirements, but more than 15.0 minutes away
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