Advanced Placement Classes(AP)
Advanced Placement (AP) classes demonstrate your academic curiosity and intellectual development.
Achievement in these classes gives you weighted grades on your high school transcript
College requirements vary, but depending on the college, scores between 3-5 on the national AP Exams given in May, give you college credit.
These classes more nearly reflect the academic level of classes in high school thirty and more years ago before we began to dumb-down our education system.
Advanced Placement Programs give you advantages not available in other programs such as the IB Program.
AP World History is the first AP Class available in high school.
Advanced Placement (AP) Programs
The College Board: The Advanced Placement Program
AP Classes: Thirty classes to choose from and challenge yourself
Do yourself a Favor and Buy a Study Guide
Barrons, Princeton Review, and Kaplan, McGraw all publish excellent study guides to the national AP Exam you will take in May at the end of your your course.
Choose one-two and buy them.
Cheaper on Amazon
For AP World History, AP English Language and AP English Literature, purchase books with 2017, or later ON THE COVER. New tests in the last two years; be sure to buy most recent study guides. Your AP class will be designed to prepare you for the national exam, buy the guide, and use it to augment your course(s).
A way around the National AP Exams
Not well known:
You can take a class at a Community College, or a four-year, as a high school student, if they have a class that either is offered as an AP class at your high school, or otherwise required, and receive college credit without taking the national exam.
By definition, the college class is worth 5 points, just as the AP classes that emulate college classes.
If you need the class to graduate, or as a requirement at your high school, you need to send your transcript to your high school. If you do not need the course, list it on your college application where it asks for "any college classes you have taken. Win, win.
Double Advantage: Sign up for the SAT Subject Matter test in your AP subjects.
Take the SAT II Subject Matter test in your AP subjects, if offered. Depending on the class, YOU will need to study for the Subject Matter test in those areas in which you took AP exams and classes. Material and questions are different on the SM Exams. Study SAT Subject Matter Test Guides. Take Subject Matter exam in May or June of the year you take the AP class.
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