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U.S. Colleges for Skiing and Ski Programs
College for Skiers
Member Schools: USCSA
NCAA Skiing
Top Five Privates, Top Five Publics:
Remember, lists are subjective.
Top Five Public Colleges and Universities for Skiing while in School
Top Five Privates for Skiing
Comprehensive Lists of Schools with Alpine Skiing
List of Colleges with Men's Alpine Skiing
Colleges with Women's Alpine Skiing
Colleges with Men's Nordic Skiing
Colleges for Women's Nordic Skiing
Colleges with Ski Racing Programs
Our list for some of the best colleges for skiing. Look around, this list could be much longer.
Bates College, Maine
Colby College
Colorado Mountain College
Dartmouth College
Sierra Nevada College: Skiing, and Ski Management.
Four year program based on Mountain Resort industry
University of Colorado
The University of Denver
The University of Vermont
The University of Wyoming
Utah State University
Ski Racing
In the United States, two bodies govern collegiate ski racing, the NCAA and the USCSA.
In the United States, College Ski Racing, as a varsity sport is governed by the NCAA.
The Sports Federation for ski racing and snowboarding is the United States Collegiate and Snowboard Association (USCSA). The kinds of skiing sponsored by the USCSA are:
Cross Country
Snowboard Competition