The Ivy League
Speculations and versions abound as to the origin of the name "Ivy League."
Some accounts claim that the "IV" came from the original four universities and their football competitions, other stories maintain that it was because of the early traditions of planting ivy around the campuses on the first day of class.
In any case, here they are, eight of the most prestigious universities in the world, and in a company that includes West Point and Annapolis as early and excellent schools in the United States.
Bit of Trivia: The founders of the University of California came from Yale, hence the UC colors are Yale Blue, and Gold for California Gold.
Harvard University (1636), Cambridge, Massachusetts
Yale University (1701), New Haven, Connecticut
The University of Pennsylvania, (1740), Philadelphia
Princeton University (1746), Princeton, New Jersey
Columbia Unversity (1754), New York City
Brown University (1764), Providence, Rhode Island
Dartmouth University (1769), Hanover, New Hampshire
Cornell University (1869), Ithaca, New York
Links of Interest

SATs and ACTs
Start Here for Information
SATs, Main Page
The ACTs
Paying for College
Paying for it. Where do I start? Main College Finances Page
Getting Started with the Financial Aid Process - not as hard as you may think
College Admissions: The whole Picture
Apply Here: All public Universities in the United States
College Admissions Process
Application Essays

College Athletes
Athletes and Scholarships
College Links related to the Ivy League Universities
Ivy Faculty Consortium
New England College Consortium
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