Earn Money - Cut Down on Loan Amounts
EARN Money $$$
College Student loans, while a bargain, are a burden, and if you can ease that load with alternatives sources of income, you'll be better off.
Many students end up with a very large debt load after college because it all seems easy while you are in school. You can keep borrowing, it's easy, and it'll be years before you have to pay it off.
Then, after graduation, when it hits, it hits hard.
Try some unusual ways to earn money and increase your financial well-being while in school. Don't forget, though, your reason for being there.
Please note that your search results page will have ads ABOVE the actual search results. Those are not from the site, but may be of interest, since Google targets the ads to your particular search.
However, (an editorial comment),
While I mention that debt is a burden, and you can find other sources of funds, such as
are mostly the way to go if you need money for school. However, if you are willing to spend the time, scholarships are THE way to go. Loans are burdensome, the time and effort put into searching for, and applying for scholarships are worth all the trouble if you are persistent.
In addition, pay a lot of attention to our
save money painlessly in college page:
page for some innovative and creative ways to lower your college costs. We add to this site all the time, as new opportunities and ideas come along.
This site includes names, information, and web sites where you can learn about tests that give you college credit for things you already know. Check these out to see if you qualify. Extra credit means you may be able to graduate early.
Use creative job ideas during the school year for no more than a little spending money and a little extra cash. ****Keep in mind that your reason to be there is to get an education.****Working for a living comes later.
Too much emphasis on working for a living while you are taking classes will handicap you in the long run. I believe the days are gone when one can "work his/her way through college."
Your "job" is going to school and taking classes.
Get the loans, and get through school as fast as you can, rather than spreading it out to six years or more, while you work.
Check out our scholarship pages
and our
Financial Aid Site.
II. Some offbeat ways to earn money
- Find colleges with co-op programs where students work full time as part of their requirement for graduation.
Warning: Read the fine print carefully on college Work Study Programs. They are not all equal, most pay minimal wages on which you will be taxed, and frequently you can find jobs on your own that pay more. In addition, you need to understand thoroughly all the terms and conditions of these jobs.
- American Tesol Institute- teach English (ESL) to non-native speakers
A couple of good jobs, if you have to work.
Receptionist: Either through a temp agency (best way) or something you find on your own. You can study, surf the Web,
or read some of the time, depending on the job and time of day.
Night clerk at a hotel. Same as above, and they sometimes supply a place to stretch out. Security could be a concern here, so ask questions.
Run a business from your dorm room or apartment
To effectively set yourself up to earn money, analyze your skills and put them to work in your entrepreneurial business while at school.
Be sure, if you present yourself as a mechanic, for instance, you actually can do the work, that you have the tools, or that you define just what level of car care you can provide
Photographer: Sign up to work for the school newspaper, or set up a business in the dorm
- Earn money working on-line. Sign up for email notices about work-from-home projects listed at
Freelanceworkexchange.com to earn with online jobs
there is a small fee, either pay weekly or purchase a year's subscription. Also check out free telecommute-job websites.
- Mechanic: Complexity depends on you, some people might just need an oil change.
- Girls: (You were girls in high school, now you are young college women,) and you are in a perfect position to sell Skin Care and Skin Treatment products in your dorms or residence areas.
ALWAYS be cautious about entering the homes of people you do not know. If you can meet with customers in a public place, go for it.
- Internet Marketing: Earn money by setting up your own e-commerce site.
- Create web sites for students or other entrepreneurs. Advertise a one-pager for a low cost
- Technical Skills? Use Dice.com or Monster, Indeed.
- Check out money making possibilities from home on eBay. There is more potential with eBay than people realize.
Become an Amazon Affilaite Marketer. My favorite idea!
You need a computer, and some easy self-help books, check on Amazon for Kindle or hard copy.
This means you build a niche web page/blog, (look for sources online)sign up to be an Amazon Affiliate Marketer, place links on your web site that lead to Amazon products which visitors to your website can purchase directly from Amazon.
There are other kinds of Affiliate Marketing, all more complicated. This requires a little upfront study, and a topic for your site.
- I use SiteSell to build and manage my Web sites. The Site Sell program is becoming more and more well-known. This remarkable software program and the "hands-on" support program that is a major component of it, gives you everything you need to create a successful web-based business, or a site to support your existing business.
In addition you receive all the know-how and guidance you need to continue to succeed and grow, as well as additional business opportunities connected with the company itself.
Watch as more and more colleges offer courses in Site Sell. It is that good.
Check it out and see how I build and manage everything on my site: SITE BUILD IT.

- Become an RA (resident assistant) in your dorm
- usually generous room/board compensation
- Pick up and Delivery Service for Dry Cleaning
- Note taker
- Information Researcher
- Tutoring college students
- Tutoring public school students
- Become a Personal Care Assistant
- Computer Repair - again, know your limits.
- Part-time Nanny - Be prepared to supply references
- Landscaper
- Housecleaning
- Music Lessons
- Earn money as a Children's Party Planner
- Fitness Coach-Be sure you are qualified
- Hair cutting,(braid hair if you know how)
- Participate in focus groups - sign-up for
them on the web, they frequently pay $50.00-$100.00
for a few hours of your time, at their location
- Personal Shopper
- Mystery Shopper
- Earn money with Temp Jobs
- Write Research Papers for students- a bit
shady, perhaps, but it pays, and people are
going to want someone to do it.
- Campus jobs, such as ushering at events and
concerts (free admission)
- Run errands- especially for seniors and shut-ins
- Baby-sit for married students
Find Free TextBooks, save thousands
Campus Safety - Crime on Campus:
Be familiar with security and safety resources when you need them. This is a concern on most campuses. Learn to take care of yourself and to stay safe.
In the jobs or activities mentioned on these pages, especially when you are away from school, or working with strangers, remember to use your common sense and not take chances.
What Not to Do!
If it seems to good to be true, it is. Every other ad on the web these days is about how you can earn money on-line, at home, with no training, and only a computer. I have not yet come across one that is legit.
Usually the come-on is that you will earn money with Google.
For instance, the most popular ones pop up to tell you that someone who recently lost his/her job and was on the brink of despair, found this opportunity, seized it, and within ten minutes was earning some amazing figure per hour.
You click on the ad. (Remember, on Google, in the chain of things, someone is spending money on this ad, and someone else is making money...it is not free).
You are transported to a website, and told you can get all this info for a mere $1.95 or so. This is supposed to be for shipping.
Really, it is to get your credit card info.
Then, if you read the small print, you will discover that this company is going to charge you a monthly sum for access to a web site. Automatically. With no notice to you other than what was in the very small print you did not read.
In addition... Sometimes (usually) the ad provides a link to a second or third site, which also has the $1.95 shipping fee that is really a scam to get your credit card numbers. The happy new millionaire telling his or her "personal story" tells you that you really need this software too, to get the full benefit, etc.
No question, you can make money with Google. But, that means working directly with Google, which has extensive information on their "Advertising Program" Section, to tell you how to do it. You can put up web pages, and use their various advertising programs.
You can get participate in "Affiliate Marketing" programs with private companies, or create "Drop Shipping" pages. But be sure you read the fine print, and be sure you understand what you are doing.
Earning extra college credit is like earning money
Colleges Offering Free Tuition
Scholarships: Free $$$, start searching while still in high school
Financial Aid Home Pages
Please note that your search results page will have ads ABOVE the actual search results. Those are not from the site, but may be of interest, since Google targets the ads to your particular search.
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