
The University of California
The powerhouse that is the University of California: The UC System.
Considered the best public university system in the world, the term University of California is recognized everywhere. California boasts more Nobel laureates than any country -- over 100 in all - and most of the recipients were scientists at the University of California, the other giant being Stanford University.--
Each campus has its own distinct personality, so you need to look them over and decide which ones might be the best fit for you.
Nine UC Campuses:
- Berkeley
- Davis
- Merced
- Irvine
- San Diego
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Cruz
- San Francisco Graduate school only - medical sciences)
- Riverside (New Medical School eminent)
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Latest News from the UC System
Wait-listed? From UC Notes
"UC to wait-list some applicants
UC will again implement a wait-list process for fall 2017 admissions. All campuses except Los Angeles and Merced will use wait-lists for their freshman pools. Davis and San Diego also will have a transfer wait-list, and Irvine and Santa Cruz are considering the option for transfers.
The university enrolls thousands of students for whom it receives no state funding. A wait-list is an enrollment management tool that enables campuses to attain their enrollment targets with greater precision while offering a space to as many deserving students as possible.
What students need to know:
- They might receive wait-list offers from more than one campus. Students may accept as many offers as they wish. Wait-list offers will be made by the end of March for freshman applicants and the end of April for transfers.
- Once offered a spot on a wait-list, they must opt in. Instructions for doing so will be included with the wait-list notification.
- Even if they accept a wait-list offer (or several), students should submit a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) by the stated deadline to a UC campus or other institution to which they have been accepted. If they later accept an offer of admission from a campus where they have been wait-listed, they will forfeit their deposit at the first campus.
- Wait-listed freshman applicants will be notified of their status no later than June 1; wait-listed transfer applicants, by July 1.
- Preliminary financial aid awards will be sent at the time students are notified of wait-list offers. Additionally, SIRs of wait-listed students will be considered on time for purposes of housing and orientation, provided they are submitted by the deadline stated in the offer of admission.
- Eligible applicants who don’t receive an admission offer from any campus to which they applied will be in the referral pool, even if they are on the wait-list at another campus.
- Campuses will still consider appeals. Applicants who feel they have grounds for an appeal should submit one, but they should keep in mind that the purpose of the appeals process is to deal with errors and compelling new information and hardship. Students cannot appeal for a spot on the wait list.
The UC to Award Credit for Military Courses
The UC Board on Admissions and Relations with Schools has "approved the awarding of lower-division transfer credit for some U.S. military courses, using American Council on Education credit recommendations as a starting point. In instances where there is an equivalent course taught at a UC campus, we will give credit for military coursework. Although there may not be many courses deemed as transferable, any units granted could assist students in graduating from UC in a timely fashion.
Future applicants should list courses completed as a part of military service on the admission application. Upon admission, students will be required to submit official transcripts (SMART, AARTS, etc.) for the coursework. "
Analytical Writing Placement Examination (AWPE) given for May
"UC will administer the Analytical Writing Placement Examination (AWPE) [the second Saturday in May, each year] to admitted students who have not satisfied the Entry Level Writing Requirement by other means by April 1. The cost of the exam is $110; the fee will be waived for students who qualified for an application fee waiver."
- "Students are not required to take the AWPE if they have a record on file with UC indicating achievement of acceptable scores on the SAT Reasoning Test, the ACT combined English/Writing test, the Advanced Placement English Language or Literature examination, or the International Baccalaureate Higher Level or Standard Level English A examination. Students also are exempt from the examination if they have successfully completed a transferable college-level English composition course."
- Comprehensive information about the Entry Level Writing Requirement and the Analytical Writing Placement Examination is available online at www.ucop.edu/elwr
The site explains the examination process and includes previous examinations that can be downloaded and used by students to strengthen their skills in reading comprehension and writing proficiency.
- The Analytical Writing Placement Examination reports for fall 2017 are available at www.ucop.edu/elwr/examdata
- These reports indicate the number and percentage of students who satisfied the Entry Level Writing Requirement prior to enrolling at the University of California in fall 2010. Data can be viewed by school, district and county. The data are intended to provide useful feedback as school, district and/or county educators work with students to improve academic performance.
New Admisisons Policies for 2017 Applicants
I. SAT Subject Matter Tests:
Beginning in fall, 2013, Subject Matter Tests are "Recommended, not required.
Optional always means: take the tests.
II. Changes in the Eligibility in the Local Context program(ELC)(UC Notes)
"...The Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) was created to fulfill an important UC admissions goal: to recognize and reward the academic accomplishment of high school seniors who have made the most of the opportunities available to them. Unlike the broader statewide eligibility pathway, which seeks to identify talented students from across the state, ELC was designed to identify qualified students among the top 4% of students in each participating high school."
Based on the success of this initiative as well as the success of ELC students at UC, the university will expand the program to include students whose academic performance places them in the top 9 percent of their senior class.
What does this change mean for schools?
"In preparation for the implementation of the expansion, we will make some modifications to the program that we believe will ease the process for schools while providing students with the information they need to prepare for UC admission."
- We will no longer require transcripts from every school every year. Instead, we will request the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses (if available) of the top 15 percent of rising seniors.
- Based on transcript information collected over the last three years, UC will determine a benchmark ELC GPA — the GPA cutoff for the top 9 percent of the rising senior class — for each participating high school.
- The benchmark GPA will be recalculated for one-third of high schools each year. When it is time for your school’s benchmark GPA to be reset (every three years), we will request transcripts for the top 15 percent of the rising senior class.
- Schools will still need to secure parental authorization before sharing students’ personal information. We have amended the sample parental authorization letter and form, copies of which are posted on line at http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc"
What do the changes mean for students?
- In the fall, the top 15 percent of seniors from each high school will receive a letter from UC, congratulating them on their achievement and inviting them to apply to the university.
- To be considered for ELC, students must have, at a minimum, a weighted, capped GPA of 3.0 and have completed at least 11 UC-approved “a-g” courses prior to the start of senior year, as follows:
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Left-wing politics on the UC Campuses
If you have not discussed your values and your beliefs with your children, high school teachers and college professors will be happy to fill that void.
In the meantime, warn your college student to learn what the professor believes, and to be aware of whether he/she will be graded down for disagreeing with a professor's viewpoint.
No matter what your political viewpoint, education should be about learning to look at all sides before making decisions.
Conservatives rate U.S. colleges, decry UCs for liberal bent
Campus Reform
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