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Remember: being in the military means you could die in the service of your country.
FastWeb on Financial Aid for Armed Services
Links to Armed Services Academies (Colleges)
The U.S. military academies are among our top universities. they provide a free education. When you finish you are commissioned as an officer, and are required to spend a certain amount of time serving your country.
They are competitive about admission, and require high grades, recommendations from some of your states' congressional members, other recommendations, and a presidential appointment.
If considering an application to one or more, study the different academies carefully. The branches of the armed forces have similarities and differences, and the academies reflect these, both in education, and in their respective missions.

United States Air Force Academy - Colorado Springs
United States Military Academy(Army) - West Point, NY. "Duty, Honor, Country."
United States Military Academy Prep School
United States Coast Guard Academy - New London, Connecticut

United States Naval Academy - Annapolis, MD
U.S. Naval Academy Prep School
The United States Marine Corp is part of the U.S. Navy
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy - Kings Point, NY
Academy Forums
Branches of the U.S. Military
The purpose of this page is to provide information on the Military colleges that represent the branches of service in the United States.
In addition, most schools provide Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) programs which offer financial benefits, plus officer status in the specific branch in which you have enrolled, with the understanding that you will be a part of the military in a reserve capacity or on active duty after graduation.
The information links below for the branches of United States Armed Services organizations is meant to provide further information on the military and the career choices it offers.
Each organization - Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, the Coast Guard and the Merchant Marines - has programs that provide college educations and graduate degrees for enlisted personnel.
Deciding to "Go Military" is a serious step, and one about which you need to become very well informed. I would talk to more than one recruiter if you initiate the contact. Sometimes you will get different answers from different recruiters. In addition, if you are a college graduate, you will be working with a different recruiter than if you are enlisting right out of high school.
Remember that the military is dangerous. These heroes risk, and sometimes lose their lives serving their country. This is not a decision to be made without a lot of thought.
Offical Site: U.S. Air Force
The U.S. Air Force was called the Army Air Corp until after WW II.
Enlisted Careers, Opportunities in the U.S. Air Force
Air Force links
United States Army
The Official Homepage of the U.S. Army
U.S. Army Reserves
U.S.Army Special Forces (USASOC)
" onclick="return FIX.track(this);">
United States Coast Guard (Dept. of Homeland Security)
United States Marines
The United States Navy
U.S. Merchant Marines
Google results for miltary history of U.S.
Wikipedia, History of the United States Armed Forces
"Insider's Guide to joining the Military", all Branches
Special Scholarships
Note: This link is for scholarships to public and private U.S. universities and colleges for students with family members in the United States Armed Forces.
The military academies provide a free education to those who are admitted. There is rigorous competition for these opportunities at the academies, and you need high GPAs and test scores (for starters).
To learn more about armed services options from the insiders who have been there, search for forums for those branches of the service that interest you. These are not official sites, but contain cast amounts of information. In addition, someone posting to them will answer your questions.
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