FAFSA, CSS: Financial Aid
California Colleges
Paying for College
California College News
If you are concerned about paying for your child's college education, remember this:
Your tax dollars at work.
A few years ago, Gov. Brown signed Part I of the Dream Act, which gave illegals the right to apply for and receive private funding for college educations from institutions in this state.
Later, Gov. Brown signed Part II of the Dream Act. This means that illegals can receive public funding for their college educations. This includes free money such as the Cal Grant program, which provides thousands per student, based on need, and the Pell Grant, the Federal version the free money for needy students. This is taxpayer supplied money.
Currently, the bill says that illegals cannot apply until after California citizens have been served. There is never any money left over, so soon we will see either a very quiet end to that provision, or a system of quotas required of the lenders in the distribution of taxpayer goodies like the Cal Grant and access to the other public funding sources.
For a few years now, we have generously provided free college tuition to illegals wishing to attend college here, as they do in seven other U.S. states.
If a citizen of another state comes here to school, they are required to pay a hefty tuition fee, nor can they apply for such generous programs as the Cal Grant. Illegals are given free college tuition.
Tuition at the University of California is `over $30,000 per year and rises each year.
As you begin to look at colleges and universities, both in and out of California, use Google Earth to swoop in and study the campuses.
You can study from above, look around the neighborhood, and then wander around looking at the buildings from the street. Great device - invasive when it is your residence - and yet a great tool.
California Public Education Systems
This is a crisis year.
Those of you who have applied and are waiting to hear about your applications: keep your grades up. Do not water down your second semester curriculum and do not think you can relax. Because of crowding the schools will be carefully checking your second semester performance.
The UC system will be directing some applicants to their under-applied-to campuses, even if the student did not apply to that school. This will include Merced and Riverside. In the meantime, they are wait-listing students at some campuses, with possible acceptance later in the spring-summer.
If this happens to you, do not despair; these are both fine schools, and the UC system is going to add a new medical school to Riverside within the next two to three years. Riverside professors pride themselves on being very accessible to their students, not always the case in such a world-renowned research university system as the University of California.
Financial aid money is tight. Bear in mind that this state and seven others pays 2/3 to 3/4 of the bill for illegals, a fact which makes me angry on a number of levels.
Welcome to California Colleges.
With over 600,000 students enrolled, California colleges and universities attract a lot of interest.
They're all listed here: community colleges, four-year schools, public, private. If by some odd chance I missed one, please let me know!
Interested in the public California Colleges for the fall of 2017?
2017: The University of California, and the Cal State University, Applications, will be on-line on or before 8/01/17. The application essay prompts for the UC system are found in the applications instruction booklet.
You can find last year's applications online, but if you enter information before August 1, it will be lost as the system roils over to the 2018 application.
The filing period for the University of California system is November 1 to November 30, 2017. That means before 11:59 P.M., November 30th. Do this before the deadline - servers crash.In the U.C. system, students have until December 31st to complete testing requirements.
Six of the UC schools rank in the top fifteen of public colleges and universities in the United States. This means competition is rigorous. Grades and test scores are still the most important part of your application.
The UC system looks for four to sevven AP classes on a high school student's academic record. Check out their website for complete preparation information.
The Cal State University system filing dates are October 1 to November 30,2017, with all testing to be completed by October 31, each year.
Grades, test scores, ESSAYS. More than ever, that "index" figure, where they multiply your self-reported grades by 800 and add in your test scores, WILL MATTER.
High schools will assign you a class ranking, based on your grades and your placement within your class. This will be reported to the UC System.
Generally speaking, the UC System takes the upper ten % of applicants from a class.
California Residency Requirements and College Tuition
California Residency Requirements
Latest Info From the University of California: 2017 Waitlisted, 2012 new processes
University of California Admissions Applications for Fall 2017
Dates and Deadlines - 2017-18
The University of California Undergraduate Application Status Website
Write the UC Personal Question Answers
California State University Admissions for Fall 2017
Apply: Admission Sites for all California Public Colleges and Universities
California Private Colleges and Universities
Beach Colleges? California has them
The SATs, the ACTs, and the California Public Colleges Universities
The SAT 1, the ACTs, Subject Matter Tests
Alphabetical List of California Community ( two-year) Colleges
Application Online Center, All 109 California Community Colleges
California 4-Year Public University Systems
Apply California: Admissions pages for all public colleges and universities in California
University of California System: Gateway to all UC campuses
California State University Mentor: Path to all Cal State campuses
California Consortium
Online Colleges in California
About College Applications
Colleges with a bit of a Theme
Beach Colleges
Near Beach Colleges and Universities
Shop our Water Sports Store: Gear for Ocean Sports
California Private Colleges and Universities
The Common Application (Common APP), used by ~600 private schools
Independent California Colleges and Universities,
College Consortiums in California
Besides the College Partnerships listed here, all the University of California Campuses, and all the California State University Schools participate in agreements within the systems. These allow cross-registration and cooperation between programs.
California Rand Private College Enrollment Stats
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Fee increases at the University of California
Pets and College
A Moral Note
Please. When you arrive at your apartment at the beginning of the school year, DON'T go to the animal shelter to adopt a pet (usually a kitten) unless you are planning to keep this pet for its lifetime. Students frequently provide indifferent care for the animal during the year, perhaps not even spaying or neutering.
Then if the animal has kittens, and you may find equally indifferent homes for them, or let them lose around your apartment to fend for themselves. They are left to roam and be killed, abused by others, or killed by animals or cars. In addition, they reproduce, over and over. More sad, homeless animals that will only live long enough to reproduce.
Please be responsible, if you choose to acquire a pet while at college.
Many local shelters, by the way, have access to spay and neuter resources who will do it for little or no cost.
And, at the end of the school year, you leave the animal to fend alone at your apartment complex.
Or perhaps, you shove the pregnant animal outside, thinking it can fend for itself. (It can't.)
As a Humane Society volunteer, I cannot tell you how awful this is, and how irresponsible and cruel this is.
BY THE WAY: If this behavior describes you: DON'T tell people you love animals, because you don't.
Minority Students
Didn't get in to your schools of choice? Go here.
Apply Now: Admissions pages for every public college and university in the U.S.
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