College for Homeschooled Students

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College for Homeschooled Students, Planning for Higher Education
Congratulations for being Home-schooled, or for being a Homeschooling parent; you efforts --and those of Charter schools - are the hope of our nation.
Colleges actively recruit Homeschooled Students. Better students, better prepared.
I regard homeschooling and charters as the only way to save our children from the destructive system: The Common Core.
Homeschooled students are the fastest growing educational group in the U.S., and "college for homeschooled" has become a standardized procedure, with specific guidelines coming out of many college admissions offices. Your students are better educated, more focused, more able to work independently.
The numbers of Homeschooled children and teens are increasing rapidly in the United States:
Decline in educational standards
Insistence on Progressive political and social agenda driven curriculum
Decline in moral and ethical values
Decrease in the time spent of actual core classes and increase in time spent on those activities thought to be socially relevant. In California, we currently have over 360,000 students being either homeschooled, or in Charter schools, and the numbers grow all the time. Charters have a difficult time getting funded because of the opposition to them by districts and by the teachers' unions.
Movement to limit high school homework to no more than 25 minutes per day, per subject. Elementary school students spend too much time on nothing-activities during the day, and then spend hours in the evening on their homework, starting in about grade two. They self-teach.
That said, it still takes a bit of extra work to get ready to apply for college admissions. In addition, it is very important to do well on the SATs, or ACTs.
Contact the schools of interest to you and find out their guidelines related to college for your student.
College for Homeschooled Students, Planning for Higher Education
Editorial Comment: Homeschooling and other alternative forms of education are becoming more popular, at astonishing rates.
As our public school system continues to deteriorate, and little in the way of effective reform is being accomplished, more parents will consider other options. Our educational system is a disgrace, and we are already losing ground in the world. Until we break the power of the National Education Association (teachers' union) to control our schools, and to obstruct efforts at reform we will continue our catastrophic collapse.
In addition, the government continues to erode the rights of parents with their children, and more social engineering goes on in the classroom. Those who agree with some of the radical agendas being taught in the classroom might consider that if they can teach values and ideas you like, they can also teach things you may not agree with.
Stats for Homeschooled Children in the United States
Planning for College for Alternative Education Students
On Line High School, Tuition Free
Everything-About-College has specific pages for information and links concerning all the topics discussed below.
Keep records, starting early.
Look for topics on the college admissions site specifically for Home schooled applicants. Decide by ninth or tenth grade what schools, or what type of schools are of interest. Begin researching college requirements for students education outside the traditional system. You need to know these as early as possible.
Document everything: Volunteering, other extracurricular, work experience, special educational opportunities.
Save projects, essays, papers, worksheets,
Keep track of hours of classwork, district curriculum requirements and fulfillment. Create a system to equate classwork with units.
Don't neglect sports.
Many college applications ask about work experience. This is not as common for a teenager as it used to be, but it also teaches life skills, and the schools know that the student has to balance his time between school, extracurricular, and work. Remember to include fine arts in the educational process: music, dance, community orchestra, local bands, voice, performing arts, drawing, etc.
Acquaint yourself with financial aid processes.
- Admission requirements differ for each system. Know SAT, ACT, Subject Matter Test requirements, general academic expectations and requirements. Most schools require some sort of testing - either SAT or ACT.
- Be sure the student can write an essay. The SAT requires one, it is optional on the ACT, which means the student should elect to write the "optional" essay. The colleges can, and do, essays submitted with applications for consistency of ability.
- Consider enrollment in community colleges for the high school students. This will help get them ready for college-level classes, re-mediate any shortcomings, save about $50,000, and allow transfers to a four-year sooner.Especially consider World History, and/or American History. Watch out for the Leftists agenda. **** Taking classes at a Community College classes sthe student the equivalent of AP classes, without having to take the national AP Exam. This is because Community College classes ARE college classes. Write me with questions****

Path to Admissions for all Students

All about the SATs
All about the ACTS
SAT Main Page
Entrance Exams
Application "season" generally begins in the fall of the year before one is planning to start college.
Apply. About 1000 U.S. colleges accept homeschooled students.
Search for colleges
Apply Here: Admissions Sites for all U.S. Public Colleges and Universities
College Applications
Get acquainted with the Common Application used by 400 colleges
College Applications Essays
You have an excellent essay topic: write about your educational experience. You have a unique experience and can discuss any of several ideas in writing your application essay(s).
Academic Recommendations as a part of the admissions process
Extracurricular activities: an important part of the application
Campus Interviews
Links to important college and university sites
Must read article on college admissions
Google Search Results for higher education for Homeschoolers
List of requirements to apply, info and related articles
Budget Resources for you
Alternative College Options
Dual Admissions
Policies for Dual Admissions high school/junior college combination studies vary from state to state. Check the national sites included here, and then do a search on your own state's policies.
National Center for Educational Statistics Info on Dual Admissions
Community College Dual Enrollment
Home study for College?
California Homeschool College Information
Information about the California High School Proficiency Examination
Changes in the Cal High State Proficiency Exam in 2007
Google Search on Dual Enrollment for Gifted and Talented, home students>
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Financial Aid: Time to get acquainted
Financial Aid Home Page
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Important: Campus Security Main Page
Immunizations and vaccinations
Athletes going to college
Links to Homeschool Groups and Associations
Native American Homeschoolers
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