Didn't get into college? Do not despair.
Didn't get into college of your choice?You have options.
Perhaps you were carried away by the idea of schools with the reputations and designer labels.
Did you know that most people who have really achieved great things in the U.S. did not attend those schools? They went to community colleges, and state schools. Check out some of the biggest names you know, and you may be surprised.
What you can do now.
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Keep in mind: "Didn't get into college" means nothing unless you let it convince you to give up.
Enroll in your community college. There is nothing wrong with saving $50,000 + over two-three years. You will have a better shot at the schools of your choice then. (Think: maturity, grades, money, hardest classes out of the way, more personal attention from instructors, Mom's cooking and laundry services.)
Depending on your family's financial status, you may be able to avoid, or put off to another year, checking the "Will Need Financial Aid" box on an application after a couple of years at a junior college. While the schools say they are "needs blind", the fact remains that they have only so much federal aid money to hand out, so it may give you a little edge.
Right now, look at schools that have Rolling Admissions, and apply to them.Some colleges will have some slots available after all acceptances and declines have come back from those students who were sent letters of acceptance. Keep up with this on the school, or system's website. Apply for a non-fall acceptance date.Take a year off and work.Consider the big money, high demand careers such as electrician, plumber, certain non-degree tech jobs.If you can afford it, enroll as an Extension student, take what ever classes you can get into that are along your likes of interest, and apply for one of the next entrance times.Take on-line classes at your school of choice, then use those to leverage your application for admission to an on-campus degree program.Appeal the college's decision regarding your application, especially if some special circumstances are involved. (Don't get your hopes up, but it is worth a try.)Have someone read any admissions essays you write. Have that reader learn what the admissions essay is supposed to be, which may not be what you wrote.In these times, these days, things are changing all the time. Check back over the next couple of weeks, new links, new ideas, new info almost every day.
Acts of Desperation
I. You may be able to con your parents
into thinking that if you attend a community college in the city where your college of choice is located, you have a direct ticket into that school.
If they check it out, the truth will catch up with you.This might work out for you if you have your heart set on a particular school, and had a good GPA in high school. Downside?
You will lose credibilityIf you were a poor student in high school, and do not change, you will go nowhereWasting time and moneyNow you are away from home, required to exercise the self-discipline you need to succeed in college
II. Non-Profit Colleges and Universities:
These colleges are focused on education and careers; they offer the same degrees as traditional colleges and universities.
The difference is that they move quickly in adjusting to the market, and companies that hire. Students are prepared to find careers and jobs in those areas where there actually are jobs and careers.
These schools, or systems, include Devry, The University of Phoenix, Virginia College, ITT, and hundreds of others. Some are local, and some are international.Many are specialized and prepare graduates for careers in particular sectors, such as health or high tech.
While they pay attention to grades and high school records, they also focus on some differences in criteria from those of traditional institutions.
Virginian College of Birmingham, For Profit University
I. The Military
You can join the military and go to college on the taxpayers' dime. Keep in mind it is the finest military in the world.
A couple of things:
They do take just anyone. For instance: no criminal record, no history of drug use, no history of behavior modifying drugs such as Ritalin or similar medications, no overweight issues, and they test IQ.When you join, you sign a paper saying you are aware you may be asked to die for your country.
When You Apply Again
Remember this order of importance for Admissions:
GradesTest ScoresWell-crafted Essay that shows who you are and what yo bring to the collegeVolunteering and Extra-curricular ActivitiesTeacher Recs (Hard to come up with a place in the line for this one.)
Colleges not requiring SATs/ACTs
Apply Here: Admission Sites for all U.S. Public Colleges and Universities
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