College Admission Statistics.

What are my chances?

College Admission Statistics, gives you information on colleges and universities as to your chances of acceptance at your schools of interest.

In order of importance, things about you that influence college admissions are:

Most important - a twosome, and what the statistics show:

  • Grades
  • SAT/ACT Test Scores

    Closely followed by:

  • Applications Essays

    Strongly Influenced by:

  • Volunteering
  • Other Extracurricular - Music, Sports, Drama, Community activities not connected with volunteering (above>.

    *Individuals with strong skills in music, or sports may be in stronger positions at particular schools if they are being recruited.

    In this process, begin to assess your chances at schools of interest.

    Create your college list based on realistic possibilities:

  • Reach
  • Realistically possible
  • Safety Schools

    College Admissions Statistics on Ranges for College Acceptance based on Grades and Test Scores


    II. The University of California: UC SYSTEM


    The top Forty Public Universities in the U.S.

    Top Forty Private Schools in the U.S.

    Canadian Colleges and Universities

    Admission Stats for Oxford, Cambridge

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